My Work

My publicly available projects

Trusted Twin self-care

self-care screenshot

Trusted Twin is a developer platform for secure and decentralized data sharing based on the digital twin concept. They reached out to me to build for them a customer portal that needed to integrate with their platform data and multiple external services like Stytch authentication, Stripe, and calendly. I’ve built it with Next.js framework, Tailwind CSS, and react-query.

Akademia bliskich relacji

akademia screenshot

[Polish] Akademia bliskich relacji is my wife’s platform. A simple side project consisting of landing page, blog, some specific product pages and a wordpress-based e-commerce platform.



recursive-buttons app screenshot

recursive-buttons is a react component inspired by two things - a fractal shape called Sierpinski carpet and bubble wrap popping. You can use it in your project as an imported component.


open-fraksl app screenshot

open-fraksl is a generative art app. It allows user to compose unique fractal images by combining different patterns, color palletes, and textures. It’s also interesting as a benchmark of current WebGL graphics for browser apps. It can smoothly render and move hundreds of thousands of sprites in async rendering.


color-wars app screenshot

color-wars is my mini-game created in react and redux architecture. It’s my first project created in React and it fulfilled my childhood dream to create my own game.