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Next week I’ll start writing regular blog posts with lessons about web development. It’s nothing big, I’ll be writing one short lesson a week because I don’t have enough time to make it all at once.

I also want to make it understandable for people who just started learning to code, so for the beginning, I will publish a couple of catch-up lessons about javascript and web development generally to help you get a basic understanding about what web development is all about. I hope that in a couple of months there will be sufficient knowledge base here to be able to write some simple apps 💪.

I love teaching other people and this course means a lot to me. I look forward to learning all the stuff I’ll be preparing for the lessons, I would like to get in some interactions with other developers on the web and finally build some real app with other people at the end of this course 🤩.

In May I would like to post 5 lessons on the topics of:

  • Javascript (language),
  • web platform (how browsers and servers work),
  • web development toolchain (how to write, publish and collaborate on the code),
  • ideas of abstraction and architecture (how to deal with the software complexity and abundance of knowledge)
  • Software development process (How to create and maintain a product, how to collaborate with a team)

Then in June, I will start with the actual react course and we will write our first react component.

Wish me luck with my launch 😅

launch gif

Sincerely yours,

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